A simple to use and efficient evaluator for math expressions in Javascript.



Node js

var mexp = require('math-expression-evaluator');


<script src="math-expression-evaluator.js"></script>

This will export a global variable named mexp which can be used as given below.

Supported Maths Symbols

+       Addition Operator eg. 2+3 results 5
-       Subtraction Operator eg. 2-3 results -1
/       Division operator eg 3/2 results 1.5 
\       Multiplication Operator eg. 23 results 6
Mod     Modulus Operator eg. 3 Mod 2 results 1
(       Opening Parenthesis
)       Closing Parenthesis
Sigma   Summation eg. Sigma(1,100,n) results 5050
Pi      Product eg. Pi(1,10,n) results 3628800
n       Variable for Summation or Product
pi      Math constant pi returns 3.14
e       Math constant e returns 2.71
C       Combination operator eg. 4C2 returns 6
P       Permutation operator eg. 4P2 returns 12
!       factorial operator eg. 4! returns 24
log     logarithmic function with base 10 eg. log 1000 returns 3
ln      natural log function with base e eg. ln 2 returns .3010 
pow     power function with two operator pow(2,3) returns 8
^       power operator eg. 2^3 returns 8
root    underroot function root 4 returns 2  

Trigonometric function



An expression can be evaluated using

Using eval method of mexp object

    var value = mexp.eval(exp);  

Using constituents of eval methods of mexp object

Extending tokens

How to define a token

To create a token that represent any function, variable,operator etc. a object needs to be declared with four properties.
1. token( string that is unique and used for tokenization)  
    This property is used to identify and tokenize the string .This needs to be unique for every token.
2. type  
    These are the following type that should be chose suitably when creating a tokens  

        0 : function with syntax function_name(Maths_exp)
        2 : binary function  with syntax (Math_exp1)function_name(Math_exp2) eg. * / Mod
        3 : Math constant values like e,pi 
        7 : function with syntax (Math_exp)function_name eg. !
        8 : function with two comma separated parameters syntax function_name(Math_exp1,Math_exp2) eg. pow
        12: function of Sigma or Pi kind which have three comma separated parameters function_name(Math_exp1,Math_exp2,Math_exp3) eg. pow

3. value  
    What is the value stored in that token.  
    In detail for any function `value` should be a Javascript function with the corresponding arguments.  

4. show( string to show when displaying parsed formula)  
    This is the value to display when the executed formula is displayed using `Mexp.formulaEval()`.
    For eg. sin has `show` property sin while Sigma has show property `&Sigma;` so that it displays &Sigma; instead if plain Sigma.  
Function with one parameter

For defining a token for function which accepts only one argument like sine, an object with all four properties as explained above needs to be defined. For function with only one argument
type must be 0
token will be the function name
show can also be the function name as it is only used for displaying formula
value needs to be a function that accepts and operates on one argument.

Eg. Object if a function needs to be added for inverse of a number

        return 1/a;
Function with two parameters

For defining a token for function which accepts two arguments like pow, an object with all four properties as explained above needs to be defined. For function with two argument
type must be 8
token will be the function name
show can also be the function name as it is only used for displaying formula
value needs to be a function that accepts and operates on two arguments.

Eg. Object if a function needs to be added for finding maximum of two number

            return a;
        return b;
Sigma or Pi kind functions with three parameters

For defining a token for function which accepts three arguments like Sigma, an object with all four properties as explained above needs to be defined. For function with three argument
type must be 12
token will be the function name
show can also be the function name as it is only used for displaying formula
value needs to be a function that accepts and operates on two arguments.

Eg. Object if a function needs to be added for finding maximum of n expression from i to k number

        var max=c.postfixEval({n:a}),temp;
        for(var i=a+1;i<b;i++){
            var temp=c.postfixEval({n:i});
        return max;

For defining a token for variable like pi, an object with all four properties as explained above needs to be defined. For a variable type must be 3
token will be the token name
show can be anything for displaying formula
value needs to be the unique name can also be token name.

Note : Value of the variable needs to be passed separately to the evaluator either in eval method or it's constituent postfixEval method

Eg. Object to add a variable named git

Unary postfix function

For defining a token for postfix function which accepts one arguments like factorial !, an object with all four properties as explained above needs to be defined. For postfix function with one argument
type must be 7
token will be the function name
show can also be the function name as it is only used for displaying formula
value needs to be a function that accepts and operates on one arguments.

Eg. Object if a postfix function needs to be added for inverse of a number

        return 1/a;
Binary infix function

For defining a token for infix function which accepts two arguments like *,/ or Mod, an object with all four properties as explained above needs to be defined. For infix function with two argument
type must be 2
token will be the function name
show can also be the function name as it is only used for displaying formula
value needs to be a function that accepts and operates on two arguments.

Eg. Object if a binary function needs to be added for finding maximum of two number

            return a;
        return b;

Adding tokens using addToken method of mexp object


This method taken a list of tokens which are explained above as arguments and adds them to the built-in tokens. After that the evaluator can be used as usual.
Note : If a variable is being added to the evaluator then the value of the variable needs to be passed as explained below.

Adding tokens using eval method of mexp object

var value = =mexp.eval(exp,[token1,token2,...],pair);  

eval method takes three arguments where

Eg. For this token, the pair object would look like


Adding token using constituents of eval method of mexp object

var lexed = mexp.lex(exp,[token1,token2,...]);  

lex method takes list of tokens as explained here as second second arguments. If variables are added to the evaluator then key-value pair needs to be passed to postfixEval method

var result = postfix.postfixEval(pair);

where pair object is the key-value mappings for all the variable where key is equal to value property of token and value is equal to some number.

Eg. For this token, the pair object would look like

Error handling

This evaluator throws exception with error message if any error occurs.
So it is a good habit to catch the exception

    alert(e.message); //alert ) is not allowed after (